Short Story: 50 Days in Blood: A Last Will and Testament after the Zombie Apocalypse (via Zombie Awareness International)

This is a short story written by yours truly! I wrote it for a contest these guys are having for short Zombie stories and I need your help to win! Please head over and put “1 VOTE” for your comment and let’s put a 1 in the DGB victory column! Thank you for all your support.

50 Days in Blood: A Last Will and Testament after the Zombie Apocalypse. By Jason Schwartz It has been exactly 50 days since the Zombie Apocalypse began. It started on a beautiful Tuesday morning on the 13th of September 2011. It began near Boston and spread quickly westward across the US and then the world. I was driving to work early that day so that I could conference call with some of our east coast clients. When I finally got through the ear … Read More

via Zombie Awareness International

Zombies vs Vampires: Who Will Win?


Spike TV’s popular television series, Deadliest Warrior, is featuring a standoff between two cousins of the undead world: zombies and vampires. In an episode airing tonight at 9 pm ET, Max Brooks (World War Z) and Steve Niles (30 Days of Night) will debate the logistics of a battle between the two cannibalistic species, citing traits they believe would influence each team’s ability to pull ahead in this particular scenario. Read the full article here, at Geek Out.

Zombie Podcast: “Unkillable” by Patrick E. McLean

“Unkillable” by Patrick E. McLean

The story of a young man who is brought back from the dead for revenge. He doesn’t have superpowers. He’s just Unkillable. “Unkillable” by Patrick E. McLean is a gritty and out of the box zombie novel that looks at a young man struck down in the middle of his boring and mundane life. It takes dying to bring him back to life. The Podcast is free and can be found on I-Tunes here or you can go to the author’s website here. I love it so that should say you’d love it. Head over and take a listen today!

“You know those stories that you always hear about other people? The people who are in the right place at the right time?  That toothless goob who wins the lottery. That fat lady with the puffy arms that your Mom knew from work who went to Vegas and actually won on that slot machine with the really big handle. Yeah, this isn’t one of those stories. This is a wrong place, right time story. And what does it matter what happened before the story starts? Why do you care? It’s not like it was good story. ‘Cause if it was, I would be telling you about that part. I was a drone, a goon, a stooge. I was a guy who had to wear a tie and a short sleeve shirt to work.”

Zombie Literature: If It Still Has a Head, It Isn’t Quite Dead

If It Still Has a Head, It Isn’t Quite Dead is a book of poetry on zombies, vampires, werewolves, ghosts, ghouls, and other generally scary monster-type creatures written by Harrison Bradlow.

Within the book’s pages you will find the amassed wisdom of zombies, vampires,werewolves, and myriad other monstery sorts. Read the musings of a vampire who yearns for simpler times in The Good Old Days. Be warned by mischievous imps who are up to no good in Lords of Mischief. Feel the frustration of a skeleton who simply can’t get a date in The Horny Skeleton (this one has proven to be a real fan favorite). Follow the incredible journey of a gamer turned zombie hunter in Character Advancement.

Readers will enjoy a diverse variety of both poetic forms and content. Poetry ranges from Shakespearean iambic pentameter to a werewolf  haiku and includes an emo vampire’s spoken word poem along the way. You’ll find couplets, limericks, a ghazal, and other forms as well. As for the subject matter, this book is easily accessible by newcomers to the fantastic while also satisfying the appetites of devoted fanboys and girls.

Immediately following a zombie outbreak, the most important goals will be shelter, food, and water. Weapons and ammunition will be big too. Depending on the type of zombie outbreak, searching for and disseminating a retrovirus/cure could be important. But after those initial existential needs have been tended, you’ll probably have some down time. Don’t neglect entertainment! Staving off cabin fever will be huge. Some fun supernatural poetry and a zombie card game could ultimately save the lives of your whole survival team. You’ll be happy to have this when the outbreak comes.

Harrison Bradlow is an avid zombie aficionado, as well as fan of most things nerdtacular. He is eyeing a late July release for If It Still Has a Head, It Isn’t Quite Dead: The Game!,  a card game version of the book. Right now, and into the foreseeable future, he lives in his favorite city on Earth, Las Vegas. He is activeon Twitter @Harrison314.

Zombie Literature: “I Am Sam Ward”

One of our Twitter followers @iamsamward has a great piece of Zombie Literature over at It follows the story of a normal guy live-blogging the Zombie Apocalypse as it happens. It’s a good read so far and has been added to our Zombie Literature page. Below the fold is a sample…

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US Army Survival Manual on your Smartphone!

The Army Survival Manual FM 3-0.5.70 is now available on your smart-phone. Click the link below to download from the Android App. Market and be a Zombie Apocalypse Survivor! Download it today and get the best information on medicine, shelters, water procurement, firecraft, food procurement, plant information, animals, weapons, tools, equipment, desert , tropical , cold weather and sea survival, signaling techniques, movement in hostile areas, camo, contact with people and many many more survival needs!

If you don’t have a smart-phone you can download the entire book in PDF format from my server by clicking here.

NYC Releases Manual For the Apocalypse

The state of New York has released a document entitled the “New York State Public Health Legal Manual” that tells to rescuers, doctors and government officials how the judicial system would work in the even of the zombie apocalypse, a terrorist attack, major radiological or chemical contamination or some other widespread epidemic. You can download the PDF by clicking the link above or by clicking the picture to the left. According to Professor Shauna Disastro, DontGetBit’s soon to be Professor of “Zombology and Survivalist Studies”… “I find very little about it shocking or surprising, nor that it is so detailed, it IS New York… the over governmented beaucratic craphole”.

Imagine if you will… The ultimate zombie apocalypse is upon us and the government is trying to regain control. Zombies and fleeing humans run the streets. The blood of the world flows into the Earth as you and your team of Zombie Survivalists hold up in your safe house, defending your families lives from the zombie hoards that roam the streets trying to eat you! The government orders Martial Law. What powers does the government hold? How does the justice system work? Both are are powerful questions with difficult answers. But how about more serious questions like what to do in quarantines, closing businesses, mass evacuations, warrant-less searches of homes, killing of infected animals and seizure of property, when laws can be suspended and whether infectious people can be isolated against their will or subjected to mandatory treatment.

The most interesting line in the manual according to the NYTimes:

The suspension of laws, it says, is subject to constitutional rights. But then it adds, “This should not prove to be an obstacle, because federal and state constitutional restraints permit expeditious actions in emergency situations.”

Here’s the link to the PDF:

Podcast Update: “How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse”

Our favorite Survival Team from across the pond have a new zombie podcast episode! “How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse” is back after an extended and critically acclaimed tour of their live show across England and Scotland. The much anticipated return of the School of Survival’s Dr. Dale, Judy, Donald and Tristen couldn’t come at a better time! The Team and I have listened to every legitimate Zombie Podcast on the internet and in our frustration in the search for more we almost switched to Star-Trek podcasts! Whew… That was close! If you haven’t listened to them yet then you will NOT survive the Zombie Apocalypse!

Click here to go to their I-Tunes podcast page. Here’s their website and here’s their Facebook page. Oh and here’s where you can buy “Dr Dale’s Zombie Dictionary: The A-Z Guide to Staying Alive”.

Podcast Update: On The Edge of Darkness

“On The Edge of Darkness” has posted a new chapter in their utterly delightful podcast, On The Edge Of Darkness – Episode 13 the Season 1 finale. In this episode the team has their final battle with Bobby Dave and his zombie family. What makes this one a wee-bit more special is that they have a plug for us here at Don’t Get Bit right at the very beginning! Thank you guys! So head over to I-Tunes here or their website here and get the latest chapter in what is turning out to be our favorite Zombie Fiction podcast.

FM3-05-70 Survival Field Manual

A few weeks back we posted that you could download the FM 21-76 US Army Survival Manual. Well we now have the FM3-05-70 Survival Field Manual Reprint of 2003 Edition available for download. Just click the image or click here to download the PDF. As a soldier, you can be sent to any area of the world. It may be in a temperate, tropical, arctic, or subarctic region. You expect to have all your personal equipment and your unit members with you wherever you go. However, there is no guarantee it will be so. You could find yourself alone in a remote area—possibly enemy territory—with little or no personal gear.

This manual provides information and describes basic techniques that will enable you to survive and return alive should you find yourself in such a situation.