Canadian Zombie Hunter Cleared For Killing a Human.

A Canadian man, 19-year-old Tianhui Zhan who heard voiced in his head tell him to go to Glasgow Scotland then began seeing zombies everywhere and attacked Michael Davis on Oct. 13, 2010 trying to de-animate him. Apparently he hadn’t really been practicing for the Zombie Apocalypse because he didn’t de-animate Michael. He told a psychiatrist that he started seeing blood over the faces of people and thought they were zombies.

According to the reports, the court heard Zhan picked his victim at random in an unprovoked attack because he believed Davis was a zombie who was going to attack him.  The court also heard that Zhan, who is of Chinese origin but lives with his parents in Canada, travelled to Glasgow after hearing voices saying he should go there.  He reportedly told a psychiatrist that he started seeing blood over the faces of people and was convinced they were zombies.

Hat Tip to Viv Lee for the tip. Ever Vigilant!